rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

i got an A on that last essay. which i think is good, but ironic because i didn't like the subject at all. and the essay before it i really worked hard on and got a B. oh well, just goes to show that english is a subjective subject. that looks weird.

anway, i found out today that i won't be able to make all of the payments i have due for my credit cards and car and insurance on time. i'll be able to make them, but i have to decide which ones to mail late. this process will consist of seeing which ones have the cheapest late fees.

i hate being poor. i really do. i have been poor all my life. i grew up with my sister and my mom who worked full time. dad was only present every-other weekend. besides, he was bankrupt anyway, so it's not like i could turn to him for money.

money is the only thing i worry about any more. it's not that i'm greedy, i just want enough to pay my bills. my bills aren't even that much. my sister pays $300 for a pair of pants and my jaw drops, i paid $25 for mine. my whole life kari has gotten more than me. now she has a $10k engagement ring on and i think it's ugly- but a part of me wonders how that feels.

i am just starting a new job that, with luck, will help me solve my money problems. i am a skeptic, though. i have always been poor, and i will always be poor. there is nothing i can do to change this.

how depressing- i get an A on a paper i hated writing and all i can write is complaints about money.

i believe in not worrying about what you can't control- so why do i worry about money? maybe because i was the one who got me into this mess.

how absolutely awful. it's true, you know, money really does make the world go round.