rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

here i am, after another weekend of doing nothing, and usually that would make me feel like a lazy slob, but not this weekend for some reason. i got to spend saturday night with lance, and i love going to sleep in his arms, and waking up next to him. watching him sleep, he seems so peaceful, i wonder if he sees the same thing in me when i sleep. i get to spend tuesday night with him, too, and i'm very happy about that. i'm going to move in with him, i just don't know when (with school and work and everything). moving 33 miles away from almost everything will be quite a change. yet i would have gladly done it today had i been able to get a job and transfer my school credits. i never thought i'd ever feel this way for anyone. i thought i was in love with dan, but that was nothing, that was empty compared to what i feel for lance. it's like magic, every second of my life, when i think about him. i never had any idea, but now i do, and i get to spend as much time with him as he'll have me.

it's fantastic.

words don't even come close.