rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

i am a fanatic. i really am. i am willing to go to almost any lengths to get what i want when it comes to books. take for instance, good omens by terry pratchett and neil gaiman (which by lucky chance is going to be made into a movie soon! yay!), if i had several thousand to spend, i would gladly fly to one of the several charity auctions and buy the original manuscript, or a signed copy, or even the hard cover if i could find it!

i can't help it. i love books. i already have the paperback, but if i could just get my hands on the hardcover. what can i say, there is no helping someone like me when it comes to rare and old books. of course it has to be books i like. take contact for example. i have the paperback (without jodie foster's pic on it), i have the first ed hardcover, i have the vhs of the movie as well as the dvd. the only thing i don't have is the soundtrack on cd, which is not because i haven't looked for it.

there is no helping a fanatic like me...