rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

so, another day that i didn't have to go to work. i do have a job now, so as of friday morning, i can't sleep in anymore. i'm getting paid more than i have ever been paid before in my life, so that is good. i only hope that it works out better than the last job from the temp agency.

i stubbed my toe tonight on the door frame on lance's house, and he was asleep and i didn't want to wake him up with my loud cursing, so i had to stifle my shouts. it had to be my pinky toe, the one that hurts the most when almost bent backwards. oh well, it's better now, so hopefully as of tomorrow morning, i will have forgotten about it.

i'm sorry this entry is so boring, it's just that when the most exciting thing you do all day is stub your toe, there's not much else to write about.

what can i say? everything has been slow these days...not many votes on my poll, not many page views, not many people writing in my little word box...yes, that is a hint, interact with my page!!! i made it the way it is so that you can do more than just read my boring writing...

oh well, maybe the next entry will be more entertaining for you, and never can tell, but knowing me, it probably won't be. thats ok, boring is very good sometimes.