rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

ok, so this is what i did with my day...

well, i did wash the dishes and make myself dinner (not in that particular order) and i talked to both kari and david (an ex from high school who, for some reason, i am still friends with, even though i see him about once every 3 months.) for almost an hour each. ouch, that's going to hurt my cell phone bill.

i also talked with every member of lance's immediate family excluding his dad. i spoke with, on the phone, his mom, his brother and his sister, all withing a 30 minute timespan. and they all called lance's house, and i answered. because in 9 days it won't be lance's house anymore, it will be 'our house' or 'my house' (even though i'm not paying for it, it will still be my home).

i felt i should add an entry, even though i haven't had much to talk about. i went into my temp service today, to hand in my timecard for this week, and they acted like they were really gonna find me a job for me after i move, i found that noteworthy because i'm moving 35 miles away. hey, i hate temping, but it's nice when all you have to do to get a job is make one phone call and have somebody else do the dirty work.

and the highlight of my sis has sort of adopted a cute little kitten i saved from my dog, and she hadn't named it i suggested a name i thought was appropriate, in a twisted sort of weird way.

her adorable, cute, cuddly, sweet, (did i mention cute?) kitten will now forever be known (at least to me) as...killer.

yes, i know i need professional help. that route didn't work so well. i tried, though.