rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

well, august 4th has come and gone, and i'm all moved in with lance. most of my boxes are still in the living room unpacked, but that's ok, i still don't have a job lined up yet, so i'll have time to do that on monday.

i don't think that it has sunk in yet...i have never lived without my mom before, so i know that this is going to be a big change. but that's ok, i told her that i was glad that she has a cell phone, so i can call her when i need to, and i could tell that she was sad to see me go, but she knew that the day had to come.

my sis is moving to kansas (i live outside of chicago) in the beginning of september. i am both sad and exstatic at the same time. i think she and i could really use that kind of distance between us. we had been getting on each others nerves lately.

that's pretty much all right now...must go eat cupcakes...