rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

ok, i would like to point out that i am writing this entry at 5:20am, yes, i said am, so you will have to excuse me if it lacks any sense completely.

so why on earth am i awake 40 minutes before the sun is supposed to rise, do you ask? well, ever since i moved in with lance last saturday, he works at 6am, so the alarm goes off ay 4:45am. before today, i could just shut the alarm off and go back to sleep, but the temp agency did actually find me a job for today (being friday), monday and possibly tuesday. after that, i have another one pending, but i'm not getting my hopes up. so here i am, at 5:22am, and lance has already left for work, and i have to keep myself from going back to sleep, because i have to leave for my job at 7:30am, so if i go back to sleep, i'll probably just sleep past that.

it's kind of funny, after lance gets out of bed, he's kind of chipper in the morning. well, maybe not funny, but weird, or scary, i don't know. i can't think straight, it's way too early.

he asked me if i'm just not a morning person, and i said yes, i'm more of a morning person than a night person, but i make it a point not to be chipper before the sun has greeted me for the day.

ps. a big thanks to supersharon for her little link to me, and no, sharon, i live outside of chicago, not iowa, but i wouldn't mind working in outer space!!!