rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

figured i'd add an entry, even if i didn't really have anything to say. cause it's not saturday anymore, so the older one was outdated.

i started the aolIM (aim-users) diaryring today, i just figured it was a good idea. and i talked to karen on aim today, which was neat cause i've only ever talked to her via email and by signing her guestbook. i don't know, being able to hold a real-time conversation with someone makes them more real in a way. she's a sweetheart, though, and was my first friend on diaryland, so go read her stuff already!!!

my banners ran out a while ago, i could tell by the number of guestbook entries being added (or not added, as it were), and i sort of got addicted to new people visiting me, so now i want to buy more banners, but don't have the money to spare. but when i'll know it cause andrew will have so much money from me that my banner will annoy you all with it's persistance!!! my diaryland banners will help me conquer diaryland!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

don't mind me, it's way past my bedtime and i've been watching way too much powerpuff girls this evening. they are just so cute. ok, bedtime for me, must sleep now.

oh yeah, i talked to andrew, mister big himself, on aim today, he seemed a bit distant, but he was probably doing 13 other things all at once, but he seemed nice enough, so that was good.

i need more aim buddies...will you be my buddy???