rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

i left work early today...i only worked 2 hours. but i felt sick just walking into that building. they say that i'm like the best temp, that they are so glad that they can keep calling me back. and yet, when i apply for and have an interview for a permanent position there...nothing. the interview was last thursday, which makes it almost a week. and i've worked there every day since, so it's not like i'm not there to remind them that i would like to know what is going on. i finally asked yesterday, and the recruiter said that they might not even be filling the position now...and she couldn't tell me that when she had found out the week before??? i'm just so discouraged with the whole job search, i feel sick.

i called karen on tuesday...she lives in new york and i was worried sick about her. i had never spoken to her over the phone before, just emails and aim and guestbooks. it's nice to know not all people on the internet aren't 40 year old perverts.

so yeah, that's pretty much it with me...lance and i had a little 'thing' that we sort of got into a fight about last saturday, but my grandma's 80th birthday party was sunday, and i never got a chance to really write about it. he probably thought that i wouldn't be able to forgive him for a while (before you gasp, no, he didn't do anything that, as far as i'm concerned, qualifies me breaking up with him) but no, i forgave him very quickly. and although it has slightly changed our relationship, i would say the only difference that matters is that it is that much stronger. i love him more than words.

so, it really has been a rough week for me, and i don't forsee it getting better any time soon. the only consolation i have is that my japanese teacher will be at class this saturday (he didn't show up for the first class last saturday), so that will be good.

take care, everyone, for you never know what tomorrow will bring.