rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

i went on an interview yesterday for the third temp-agency...i can't help but lose enthusiasm now. but they seemed better than the one i am going through now, for a lot of reasons. so now i guess i just have to wait and see if they can find a job for me. i'm still gonna look on the internet and in the newspapers (it's not like i get interviewed by a temp agency then just give up on the job hunt!), but all i can do about the temp agency is wait. which i hate doing.

i can't think of anything to write, really. nothing important has happened lately, being unemployed and all is pretty boring.

i talked to karen for almost an hour the day before yesterday, which was so nice! i never thought that i would meet someone on the internet who i could talk so naturally to! she lives like 800 miles away, yet she's closer to me than my sister (who just moved 525 miles away from me).

on a completely different note, i've been having really bad dreams lately. not nightmares, per say, but i'm in a really bad mood in them, or bad things are happening, but it's like bad stuff in real life, not like horrible stuff in nightmares. i haven't been sleeping well because of it. it seems that my bad dreams start after lance leaves for work and i go back to sleep, but i could just be forgetting the dreams i had before i woke up to say goodby to him in the morning. i don't know, i just wake up feeling weird and apprehensive and upset.

i emailed dustin a couple of days ago, and he emailed me back. ever since i moved, he doesn't really call, and he's never come to visit me in my new house. he and i used to be best friends, and i told him that i feel like he has forgotten me. the reply i got was unusually defensive for him, but maybe he has changed over the months i haven't seen him. maybe i should just let it go.

i have no idea about anything anymore.

things used to be so very easy...