rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

i just found out that one of my friends got called to active duty from the reserves.

i haven't seen him in months, and we've really lost touch over the past year.

yet, when he told me, i was afraid that i would lose one of my best friends. jake is one of the best people i know. he may not be perfect, he has admited to that, but he doesn't pretend to be something he is not, and he has always been there for me when i needed someone.

the words just don't come out, what i want to say before he leaves next week. he said that he would give me the address so that i could write to him, but what do i write?

"i haven't bothered to call you in months because i'm lazy, or it hasn't crossed my mind, but now that you are leaving, i want to be closer friends."???

i feel like i've been a fair weather friend to him, and that getting mushy before he leaves is wrong, like i don't have the right to or something.

i have no idea, but hopefully i will get to see him saturday, before he leaves.