rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

you ever have one of those days when you wish you could just go back to sleep?
when the whole day, bad poetry keeps popping up into your mind.
when you can't seem to shake the thunderstorm over only your head?

today is one of those days.

i don't know is going ok, and Lance and I are doing fine. I acctually got a response within a day when I emailed my sister, and I heard from my dad.

i am in a funk, and i don't know why- which sinks me deeper into said funk.

i keep meaning to do all of these things- like update my diary (check for that one if you're reading this), study for my japanese final this saturday, read, and other miscellaneous things-
yet when i think about going home after work today, i just know all i'm gonna want to do is crash on the couch and ask Lance to make me some mostaccoli.

i feel like my heart is heavy with some burden unknown to me. i carry around this unbearable weight- yet i do not know what it is. i feel like crying while i stare at the computer screen whilst i'm working, but i have no idea why.
i don't know what is going on with me, and that is only making it worse.