rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

i finished my book this morning, and it was sort of an odd ending, but it was really good. the bad part about that is that i always seem to find books that are the author's first, so i can't read anything else they have written. i also seem to have a knack for reading books that are unique in their subjects (ie funny scifi romance, fiction mystery comedy, etc) and i can never purposely find books like these. i stumble on these books that i read very quickly, and i am completely engulfed in these books, then they end, and i can't find anything like it!
on the up-side, though, is it seems that books like this have been coming to me at a quicker pace lately, so that is a comfort.

work is ok, i finished the cheesecake for desert, which was a nice departure from my usual desert at lunch (cookies).

the car is running great, but i have to take it in today to get the cd player installed. but that is worth it.

well, i think that's it for now!