rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

ok, so this will probably be short because it's almost after my bedtime.

today was alright. good & bad. i'm learning to take the bad along with the good, and trying to learn that the bad isn't really bad, it's just that i make it that in my head. work is a very good place to practice this new attitude.

i was supposed to go out with a new friend tomorrow night, but the evening will be starting too late, and i cannot take wed & fri off this week. we are taking a writing workshop together at the end of august, so i am not terribly dissappointed. i know there will be another opportunity to make new friends.

i started working on knitting my sweater again lately. it's very peaceful, and nurishing as well. the way the fabric just materializes as i make it. it's definitely an art, and not just a craft.

not much else going on lately. i've been thinking more about planning the wedding (next year if you're keeping tabs), and working. lance & i are good. he has been tired, but tonight we watched a movie and i thought about how much i love him, and we cuddled- it was very nice. season is looming around the corner...lucky me. pre-seasons are starting...i will have to give up my sundays soon...maybe i will take up a new hobby so that i can have a reason not to watch 9 thousand hours of football in one day...oh well, cross that bridge when i swim under it, huh?

ok, enough for now, must sleep...