rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

so i'm in tokyo now...and i just spent nearly an hour walking around in the rain, which was just a little too cold & windy to be even remotely fun. it was kind of nice to know that i could figure out my way back in the dark rain, though (an angel of a woman saw that i was lost on my way over to kinko's and told me how to get there).

so yeah, i'm ready for the working to be done so that i can play tourist, but i did get to carry around a Tiffany's bag around for the better part of the afternoon because of work (too bad i couldn't keep the contents of that pretty blue bag...)

It is kind of lonely here, though. I don't really know my coworkers very well, so i don't really have anybody to talk to here...not that i'm depressed or anything- i'm just kind of sick of making small-talk with coworkers.

oh well, what is there to do? enjoy japan, i might as well while i'm here, right?