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this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

stupid diaryland...

go figure, the first time i go to make a new entry after i've let my gold membership lapse, the server is too busy and i can't enter the stupid thing.

life has been good & bad lately...mostly small good things and bigger bad things...i'm not sure if i'm used to this yet or not, but at least i'm not freaking out about them- too much anyway.

i've been really moody lately. i'm sure it's the hormones in the bc i'm taking, but it unnerves me when i start crying for no apparent reason. it's also kind of unsettling to go from crying one minute, then really happy in less than a minute flat.

lance is sick- not anything life threatening, but he's had a sore throat for almost 2 weeks now. i wish we had insurance so he could get some antibiotics...i suspect it's strep, which i've had considerable experience with, but there is not anything i can do for him if it is.

i just feel so useless...not just with helping lance feel better, but with everything. my house is a mess because of me, i'm temping in a place that doesn't even begin to see the talent i could bring to the right job, and i just sort of walk around with this malaise lately. it really sucks to be down, but not quite depressed, for almost a month. ever since we got back from the honeymoon, now that i think of it. i wish i could go back to arizona- i didn't have to worry about work or paying bills or saving up for a new house.

i just feel so funky lately...and it really sucks to cry myself to sleep again.