rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

i was trying to felt some wool i knit this morning/afternoon, but i seem to be failing miserably at it, so i thought i'd stop an make an entry...

first off, it just wasn't felting, then it started, but i also got the awful smell that happens when the yarn starts to loose dye. so i went back to trying the washing machine, with marginal success, but my white garment bag was the teal color of the yarn after 20 minutes of agitation, so even though the felting wasn't done, i just took out the yarn. so now i'll have to knit up another panel and attempt to felt that. why is it that i can knit almost anything, but when it comes to finishing things, i seem to have all the bad luck?

i saw underworld friday- decent movie, but i don't usually go to a vampire/werewolf movie to see a bunch of gun fights, so that was a bit dissappointing. ah well, right?

anyway, back to knitting- i have a whole nother swatch to make!