rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

so i had a really weird dream this morning- i don't really remember it, but i know it was all over the place. yesterday morning i woke up all freaked out because there were great big green & hairy bugs in my dream, and i couldn't get rid of them. i wonder what that means?

so the new job is going good- the drive is long, and i feel like i come home and have no time left in a day, but i like the job at least, so that makes up for it. the temp agency called on friday wanting to know how i liked it- apparently the company has some really good things to say about me and is thinking about hiring me on from the temp agency. i am all for this, the only thing is that if they do hire me, i wouldn't mind some extra money (not unheard of when going from temp to perm), but i'll take what i can get when it's a job doing something i like, right?

it is nice to have spending money, though. not to have to worry about how i'm going to pay next month's bills.

lance & i went to a sort of party last night. at first it was awful because i didn't know anyone there, and most of them were 5-10 years older than me, but then we sat down with some not-terribly-close friends of lance's who just had a baby, and lance asked how it was. they had their 2 month old with them, and the dad was just so proud of his son, and couldn't praise parenthood enough. i had almost convinced myself to think about kids next year- but then i remembered that although we don't want to wait until we have 'enough' money, we don't have enough to support a baby now. so definitley not next year, but maybe the year after. we'll see.

and now lance is at his mom's, watching (sparing me from) football. i kind of miss him, but i do appreciate having the house to myself for a few hours. i want to go out and get coffee, but i still have pj's on at 1:15pm, and i just don't have any motivation to change that situation.

so i'm teaching myself how to crochet- and although it has it's benefits, so far i'm still a knitter crocheting on the side.

wow, didn't think i was going to write this much, but i suppose it had been a while.

off to some sort of un-productive lazy sunday thing...