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this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

well, another day, another dollar. except i say screw the dollar and stay home...if only i could. i've had a pretty bad cold/sore throat/touch of stomach pains since sunday, and i can barely function without the aid of marvelous drugs such as wal-prophen and some kind of niquil substitute (i attempt to live on a budget- i buy the cheap cold drugs and the expensive yarn for knitting... it balances out, somehow). my nose is stuffed up and running like a tri-athelete and i feel like i've swallowed a porcupine on fire. on top of that, my sinuses decide to suddenly drain while i'm talking to someone, so they think that i'm crying because i'm upset or something. nope, it's just my stupid sinuses. i hate being sick.

and i had to get sick just as the weekend was ending. only me.

so yeah, lance's surgery is just over a week away and i'm nervous about it, if only i could be better by then. how long do colds last, usually, anyway? it's been such a long time since i've felt this sick that i don't even have an idea.

alright, enough sitting in front of the computer, i have to get to getting ready now. watch me run.