rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

ok, so this is the disclaimer for this entry:

i'm not feeling well writing this entry, so expect bitching and/or whining. if you don't like it, go here instead.

that being said, i'd like to take this opportunity to say that life kinda sucks right now. my favorite author is going everywhere in the united states in march except anywhere near me. i'm getting really bored with my job, my cats hate me, my sister won't let me get a word in edgewise and my husband is recovering from a surgery that has left him temporary unable to do anything but sit on the couch this weekend. not that he wanted it to be like that, but i've had to play nurse/cook/maid which i'm not used to doing. i've watched over ten hours of someone else playing videogames, and not gotten to do anything i wanted to do this weekend. i even had half of thursday off and all of friday and what have i done? nothing. not a damn thing. ok, so i've really done plenty of things, but i'm in a shitty mood now and i don't care who knows it. i have to go back to work tomorrow, with a growing feeling of dread about it. not because i don't like anyone there, but because i don't have anywhere to go with the company i'm at now. no advancement potential, no track for promotions. as far as they're concerned, i'll be doing the same job ten years from now as i am now, and that just doesn't work for me. i was hoping that this wouldn't happen. that i could finally be happy with a job, but here i am, six months after i started, getting bored and restless and sick and tired of being taken for granted. what can i say? i said i was in a shitty mood.

ok, i'm going to stop typing now, i suspect i have carpal tunnel and my wrists are killing me right now.