rings page

this little girl is
feelin' I feel...

we love Andrew
Knitty Rocks!

you know what i did this weekend?

nothing. nada. zip. zilch. not a damn thing.

and it felt great. no family obligations, no places i had to be or people i had to see. i got to sleep in saturday and sunday, and i worked on my poncho (knitting) and watched a bunch of movies. it was great to not feel like i was being pulled in a thousand directions.

i had meant to work on some writing this weekend, but it didn't even occur to me until this morning, and that is ok. i am not going to feel bad because i took one weekend all to myself and did nothing productive.

the funny thing is, is that now i'm not quite so reluctant to go to work this morning. don't get me wrong, i don't want to go, but it's not like last weekend when i felt like a lump on the bed, and that getting up would be impossible. i feel better than last week, too. i don't know that i was sick for sure, but i had no energy whatsoever and that makes it hard for me to want to do anything. my wrist hurts, from knitting this weekend, but not unbearably so. and i'll get some writing done at work today... probably.